Get 110% of Your Purchase Price Back!


Join Our 30-Day Challenge!
Get 110% of your Purchase Price Back!

Space is Limited

We have a limited number openings for people to participate in our photo study. We are seeking only dependable people who are absolutely committed to solving their skin problem once and for all!

How to Participate

To enrol in our “Photo Study Challenge” just tick the box upon purchase checkout. Within minutes you’ll receive an email with a link to the short enrolment form and instructions on how to submit your progress photos.

To Qualify

  1. You must have a specific skin problem you are absolutely committed to following through to see erased; and,
  2. You can be relied upon to use our product daily and submit one progress photo weekly until your skin is restored.

Your Compensation

Upon successfully completing the study, you’ll be eligible for a 110% rebate of your original purchase price—regardless of whether or not your skin condition is fully resolved. (See guarantee below).

The purpose of this informal photo study is to:

  1. Observe RENEW’s effects by collecting a series of “before & after” progress photos demonstrating your results, and
  2. Compare its results with those of commonly-used “aggressive” products and drug/chemical interventions.

Simple Study Procedures

  1. Apply the product daily.
  2. Submit a progress photo weekly, as directed in the instructions to be provided.

Your Guarantee

In the unlikely event that after daily use there is no visual improvement of the condition of your skin by the end of the 12-week/90-day study, you will receive a 110% refund for your first bottle of the product.

Your Support

All of us here on the support team are looking forward to helping you get the results you desire. For as long as remain enrolled in the study (30-90 days), we’ll help you monitor your progress, answer your questions, and coach you to get results as quickly as possible.

More Information

Complete information is available on the Terms of Participation page.

Contact Us

Should you have questions, you are invited to email: Your inquiry is invited with the assurance that it will receive prompt and expert attention.